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Do I have New Year Fatigue?

The holidays are over, the new year has begun, children have returned to school. I've started taking down the Christmas decorations. I've created my vision board, written plans and set my goals. I'm also decluttering and organizing... Isn't this what we are supposed to do at the start of the year? Oh, and I haven't started the new work out program yet ... I plan to do that AFTER I clean out my closet while figuring out how to get to Alabama and Australia for graduations and coordinating my speaking travel, writing three new books and setting new business launch dates. Did I mention I need to schedule a day for lunch at school with my granddaughter?

Basically, to sum it all up... it's only 16 days into the new year and already i feel tired and overwhelmed! Where has the time gone? I really need more hours in the day... kinda or maybe I need more sleep? Is there something called New Year Fatigue? If there is such a thing - I've got it. Actually, i'm out of focus and too tired to really write this blog... considering everything I've got to get done...

Soooooo, what's a person to do when we feel this way? And we all feel this way at some point... Come on, admit it! I refuse to think I'm the only one...

Well, I think what I will do to get out of this state of mind is to give myself permission to practice some self-care. I'm going to find an old movie, get some comfort food and allow myself to do nothing - no figuring anything out or fixin (that's what we say in the South) problems or planning or cleaning or decluttering!

You know what? I'm going to put SELF CARE on my calendar and that makes it legit - right? Of course, it does! We schedule and coordinate everything else... why not schedule what we need to recharge our lives?

So, just in writing this blog I've come up with a solution! The solution to the new year fatigue is finding some down time for yourself... giving yourself time and permission to be at rest... to take some time for yourself... to do nothing!

Let's be honest, most of us know that the only way the body can recharge is for us to slow down, rest and refuel. But we don't do it... but we MUST do it... We may not be able to get away for a two week vacation, but we can do something....

I'm putting up the DO NOT DISTURB sign for a few hours at home... so, please - won't YOU join me?

Everything will probably be the same when you (we) return [Calgon can only take you away for so long] ... but at least you (we) will be a bit recharged in order to manage all the things that come your (our) way!!!

And with the year just starting, we better find a way to do this every 16 days!!!

Dr. Renee

Dr. Renee -
Single Mom, Pastor, Entrepreneur, Speaker & Author

I love LIFE!

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