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Single Mom Systems for Life Management

A few weeks ago (before I missed an entire month) I began to share with you that in order for anyone to have a successful life that they must have systems and routines in place. This is extremely important for anyone, but especially for Single Parents. I promised that I would start sharing some of the systems that I use to manage my life.

When I started to look at the systems I use DAILY, it was amazing everything that I had incorporated into my life!

So, What are some of the SYSTEMS I use?

I have established systems for:

  • My Spiritual Life

  • My Personal Life

  • My Family Life

  • My Children's Life (ok - this was the biggee: I will spend a lot of time blogging about this one, because at every age and stage of their life - I had to implement a NEW SYSTEM).

  • My Emotional Life

  • My Relational Life

  • My Work Life

  • My VILLAGE System

  • My FINANCIAL Life and so on....

Let's start with #1 - Systems for your SPIRITUAL LIFE!

God's plan for your life is not as complicated as you may think. His will for each of us is for us to walk in obedience according to His Word, grow in grace, in knowledge of the Scripture, make an impact and live upright. In short, God wants us to grow into maturity and in righteousness through Christ Jesus and to live DAILY a quality life representing HIM! Therefore, we must have God and the Word first in your life.

I know it seems like a BIG responsibility when you are a Single Mom, but you must learn to seek God FIRST, before you do anything! Why? For starters, God wants to help you with your Life! He wants you to live a life that puts Him at the epicenter, that subordinates our will to His and that makes a priority of growth toward his ways. A process that entails 1) seeking God’s will for your life, 2) setting life goals consistent with that will, 3) developing a strategic plan to pursue those life goals, and 4) habitually tracking your progress toward your goals.

God’s direct wisdom for your life will come as you read scripture, pray and meditate to hear HIS voice. Paul tells us, “all scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness” (2 Timothy 3:16) and that I should also “pray continually” (1 Thessalonians 5:17, Philippians 4:6).

Paul also tells us to look at ourselves in the mirror -- looking very closely and well beyond the physical appearance (1 Corinthians 11:28, 2 Corinthians 13:5, Galatians 6:4). What’s inside? How has God created me? Am I strong enough? How can I possibly manage all my responsibilities?

Well, from experience, in order to get the proper balance in your life, I can honestly tell you that your Spiritual System must be intact! And that means God must be FIRST.

Spend the first few moments of the day with HIM, so HE can speak to you and give you the plans HE has for you! God cares about you very much – your spiritual, personal, emotional and even your career development. So, HE wants you to know that you are more likely to achieve your DAILY potential in life if you have peace and a plan to get there. And that comes directly from HIM!

During my most challeging times, putting GOD FIRST... made the difference in my life! Especially on those days when me and the kids were running late, or I had to pay those extra fees for them to participate in activities (when money was tight), or when the chicken I took out to thaw was still frozen and I had to adjust dinner plans, or when I was the one to bring the cookies for the team - when I forgot I had volunteered (Oh... did I say the team mom called to ask what time I would drop them off). And of course I definitely had to put God first and lean on Him when my emotions were all over the I wouldn't do or say something I regretted... I think you get the picture.

God really does want to be your support system, so today make a decision to put God first! He's got you and will see you through ANY situation!

My Daily Affirmations for Spiritual Balance:

Heavenly Father, today I choose to put You first in my day to guide me, to be my Teacher and Comforter today. I speak peace to my heart and mind because my focus is on you. I thank You, Father, for removing all distractions. I open my heart to hear from You, Holy Spirit.

Today, I'm free from cares, worry, and anxiety because I give all my anxieties to you, Jesus. (I Pet. 5:7 casting all your anxiety on Him, because He cares for you.)

My hope is in you - God, so today I will Put YOU first and discover the keys to a blessed life:

Ps 37: 3-7

Vs. 3 I will Trust in the Lord and do good.

Vs. 4 I will Delight myself in the Lord.

Vs. 5 I will Commit my Way to the Lord.

Vs. 7 I will Be still before the Lord and wait patiently for him.

I put on the garments of praise, the helmet of salvation and the breastplate of righteousness. I take the sword of the Spirit, the Word of God, and the shield of faith to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked one. I put on the belt of truth and shod my feet with the preparation of the gospel of peace.

In Jesus Name, AMEN

Dr. Renee -
Single Mom, Pastor, Entrepreneur, Speaker & Author

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