Live, Love and Lead
New Year, New You SPOTLIGHT: Renee Fowler Hornbuckle: Teaches Church Girls How to better Live, Love and Lead. - Church Girls Redefined[if IE]> <![endif] icon This site is optimized with the Yoast SEO plugin v4.0 - / Yoast SEO plugin. <meta name="vfb" version="2.9.2" />
Editor’s Note: We had a chance to sit with Dallas Pastor and inspirational leader Dr. Renee Hornbuckle and capture some great video clips with her about life in general and being a church girl specifically. We are so excited about this first spotlight of 2016 and how we as women of faith can better live, love and lead in 2016. Here is our Q&A with Pastor Renee:
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Q: Who is Dr. Renee Fowler Hornbuckle: I am a church girl who hails from Little Rock, Arkansas. I grew up with four sisters in the south, and with two amazing parents. My father is deceased, my mother is still with us in her 90’s. I am a confident woman who really believes in giving her life to others. I am a fun loving southern girl who loves life, and who loves serving people as well.
Q: How do you keep yourself centered and whole: I recharge and I refuel by taking time for me. I have learned how to turn down. Some people turn it up–we must also know how to take it down. To rest. To get still. To replenish our spirits. So, I make time for me. The word tells us that giving actually refuels us. But it has to be within boundaries that are healthy. So you ask me how do women of faith protect themselves from over service. From burn out? I have a check list of sorts that you can adapt. Particularly for leaders.
Women leaders need to set boundaries. That doesn’t mean we stop coming to church or stop serving; it means that we learn how to practice healthy boundaries.
I use these 5 things to help me stay grounded:
Learn to say no
Learn to be discerning about what we do and get involved in
Be confident in who you are
Know what you are called to and who
Look at your life and prioritize
And one bonus point: Stay away from dealing with people who are stuck in ingratitude or ungratefulness.It can infect you. You need to practice three principles of living by faith and you will be blessed:
Put God first
Family second
Career third
Do Church Girls need to live by a CODE?
Yes we do. And our best example is found in Proverbs 31 woman. She had a code. It’s not a check list. It is the code of her life and how she lives. And it sets a template for us on how we as busy, successful, spirit led women should live.
This passage is meant to inform and encourage women of faith to be ordered and to have a process of how you live that allows you to be fulfilled, but to also bless your family. Your husband. Your kids.
When you live like this woman–you can have it all. You should assess your life every year. And look at things that need to be changed.Practical tools and wisdom from this passage.
What is life like after Divorce:
It was hard for me even though I had scriptural grounds. Marriage is for life. And the stigma associated with divorce is huge. I had to learn to be resilient. I had to focus on my kids. On my church. And myself so that I would not wallow in regret, shame or hurt. Keep your side of the street clean. Stay focused. Believe in you. Know who you are, You can raise up no matter what the critics say.
Practical advice for women to prepare for marriage and keep her purity at the same time:
Talked about how she did not want to be married. Wanted a career and success. She was complete in herself when she met her husband. You do not need a mate to complete you. You must first know you and be complete in you. A man does not validate you–God does. Your value is in side of you. If you don’t know that you will search for love in all the wrong places, instead of first inside of you. Never compromise your principles. Seasoned women need to model and teach. You cannot just shack up in the flesh. You need to live in the spirit. You will not be happy with that–desperation is not a God quality. The morality of a culture is based on the women. We set the tone. When we lead with sacredness the men will follow. It has been that way since time immortal. The culture has shifted. There are men who roll up on women, and women who will likewise roll up on you too. Vulnerability breeds temptations. Greater is He that is in YOU. When you know your purpose you are less likely to compromise who you are. When you are God focused you are less likely to give in to sinful acts.
What do we tell good church girl with how to attract good men:
We need to teach the men and train them right
Put yourself in an environment where you can meet the men you want to be with
explore your own likes and nourish them to attract what you want
be willing to go outside your comfort zone
go outside your racial group
never go outside of your ethics and boundaries in Christ
whole world of people out there waiting for you
You can lead him to Christ by your example–do not compromise
Practice courting versus dating.
Move out of where you are–explore–leap–jump-try